You're Not Stuck

Embracing Your 'Enough': Insights on Toxic Relationships and Self-Care Practices

Kat Addams Episode 37

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It's check-in time! During this episode we are checking in with a quick recap on our journey so far. Are you using the practices we have previously discussed to grow toward a better future, or nah? It's a journey so no worries if you aren't even close to getting your ish together yet. That's what I'm here for!  I'll also share insights on morning and evening rituals and what I've been doing lately to summon myself back to the present and getting rid of that dark doo doo energy!

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Speaker 1:

It's time to wake up witches. I'm your host, cat Adams, and I'm here to remind you that no matter where you're at in life, you're not stuck. Good morning, it is Saturday and I have been up since 5am and yesterday I got up at 4am. It's gotta be the time change. But also I'm loving the schedule. If you remember, I had an episode where I talked about getting up at 5am and getting your shit together and I've been doing that. It feels amazing and we're going to talk today about morning routines, evening routines. Have a check in and go through some of the past episodes so you can get caught up on all things. You're not stuck.

Speaker 1:

Let me tell you a little bit about what I've been doing this week and, outside of getting up at 5am, I have recorded a podcast for a special guest on the Wish I'd Known Then podcast for authors. I'm so freaking excited because I've been listening to those two hilarious, sweet women authors for forever Years ago. I remember listening to their podcast, like on my way to drop my daughter off at her old school, and I would just binge all the episodes. I get to talk about my book there and that podcast episode I think it airs next week or the week after. Next time I record, I'll confirm. You should check out their podcast anyways, and it's called Wish I'd Known Then, and it's with Sarah Rosette and Jamie Albright, both amazing romance authors. So definitely check that out. I'm so excited, I was so nervous y'all so nervous to do an interview and I feel like I have so much to say and I have to cram it all into this like one little time. And then you know, of course, after the interview I'm like, damn it, I should have said this and I should have said that. That's why I have this podcast, so I can expand on all the topics. So that's pretty much what I've been up to, besides working my ass off, of course, and getting up at five bright and early for my new morning routine, which I'm about to tell you about because highly recommend part of getting your shit together is having rituals and routines and building a stable life.

Speaker 1:

And I talked about that on the podcast because they asked me what's my definition of success? And so my definition of success is finding your enough, and not finding that, out that you're enough, even though, yeah, that's pretty successful. But finding what you're enough is defining your enough. And I told this story about Joseph Heller. He wrote Catch 22 and Kurt Von Gut course everyone knows who he is. They went to two authors. They went to like a fancy hedge fund managers dinner party and Kurt said to John how does it feel to know that this guy makes more in a day than you've made in the entire lifetime of your book Catch 22. And John says, yeah, well, I have something he doesn't have. I have enough.

Speaker 1:

And I think, personally, for me, when I get to that point of life, it's like that's my success. When I feel like I have enough, I can stop playing in the right race, you know, climbing the corporate ladder, things like that. What is, what does that look like for me? It might be, for you, a monetary value. Maybe you're like I want to make six figures a year, I want to make seven figures a year, or it could be something else. It could be. I want to move once I get my home in Oregon. Right, that's my enough.

Speaker 1:

But my enough is stability and fulfillment. I have to have those two together. I can't just pick one. I need stability in my life, those around me, my paycheck. I don't like to be anxious, I don't like to not know. I'm always planning. I got list. I need stability. I also need fulfillment. I don't want to work a job where I'm not following my passion or my mission life and I don't feel like I'm actually helping people and the way I want to help people and using my skill set and my expertise in different areas, like domestic abuse, to better the world. I don't. I need that. I need that in my life, like I need that as part of my job, which is, you know, the whole reason I've switched gears from romcom to doing this podcast and writing you're not stuck and working on book two and you're not stuck series. Stay tuned on that. I plan on doing a lot of that work over the holidays Thanksgiving holidays, because I've taken some time off and I'm going to try to binge write a lot of that.

Speaker 1:

But yeah, what's your enough? I love that question because how to think on it for a while, to define what that look like for me, because I knew it. I just didn't know how to describe it, and now I do, and I recommend finding out what your enough is. So you always have a goal of something you're working toward and once you reach it, you can rest easy. And now you've been successful Maybe you're enough is just getting out of that toxic relationship and dumping the duty bag. Oh my gosh, you're gonna love my podcast then.

Speaker 1:

So let's get on with the show, all right. First I want to do a quick check in how are you doing? How are you feeling? We've been spending this season turning in because we're living with the seasons right, turning in, romanticizing our life, working on manifestations by the way, I've got half of mine done and it fills again Amazeballs and not every day is going to be like, oh, perfect, you know, yada, yada, yada, everything's working out, everything's aligning, the stars are aligning. No, not every day is going to be like that at all, but you just got to keep going. You just got to keep going.

Speaker 1:

Another thing they asked me on the podcast was like what is the first step in getting out of a Talks or relationship? What's the first step? And seriously, the first step is the hardest and it's just realizing Again, you're not stuck. That truly is the first step. It's not like packing a bag, it's making that internal decision and this goes for everything, like if you're in a career, you know, if you have a bad friendship and you want to like part ways with someone Just realizing in your head you don't have to live that way. It is a freaking Mindset change.

Speaker 1:

That is not easy, because you're gonna say, but this, but this, what about this? That you blocking yourself? Why am I going off on this subject? I don't know, I'm just checking in with everybody. So let's kind of go through real quick the journey of the podcast and I'm just gonna touch on these episodes super, super quick so we can do a check-in on where you're at now. Because right now, pretty soon I would say towards the end of November you need to start thinking about your 2024 goals, where you want to be.

Speaker 1:

And you know, for the purposes of this podcast, we've been talking about that being the time you finally have the confidence to leave a crappy situation. So the first episode I ever aired on the podcast was about no, he won't change, but you will. Because, remember, absolutely, you can't change your partner like this to Statistics, that's not hard to sort of say on that is pretty ground for a controlling person to change. So and it goes back to you having to make that decision and switch that mindset, to learning that it's you that has to change to get out. And then we talked about Spring cleaning, the dark doo doo energy in episode two. I still use this term all the time the dark doo doo energy. You'll want to get rid of the dark doo doo energy because that's a bad crap in your life. You're not gonna get anywhere when you're feeling bogged down by the dark doo doo energy. That one's got a little bit of witchy stuff in it.

Speaker 1:

I also talked in the podcast three about forgiveness culture and my controversial opinion on forgiveness. A lot of people are like I have to forgive to move on and you know what? I don't know. I don't believe that In that episode I'm like nah bitch, you don't, I don't know. I know some people are gonna disagree with me, but whatever, I also have episodes on self-cares, just summoning yourself. That is about my Sunday ritual. I haven't done that in a while but it's basically just checking in with yourself, which we're doing right now. But I do it in more of like a which you say Hansi way, I'm gonna light some candles and get in the bath and have a seance for myself and then I give you practical tips to help you. Let go. I talk about stopping saying sorry. I talk about how you're not broken, you're just self-sabotaging. That was some hard truths in that episode.

Speaker 1:

I have a wonderful episode called Supporting a Friend in an Abusive Situation when she just won't leave. That I did with my BFF, christina. We made some drinks and we like pretty much interviewed each other. That was a fun episode. It's the only one I've done with someone else and I need to do this again. It's just the techie stuff that stopped me. Like when someone's not here beside me I have to, you know, record remotely and all that and I'm just being too lazy to do it. But I had so much fun that maybe that's on the horizon, who knows.

Speaker 1:

And then I dive into my favorite episodes of my podcast and it starts out with the series is my partner abusive or is he just an asshole? And in this series I go over the power and control will which is called the Duluth Model. I have episodes on emotional abuse, psychological abuse, religious abuse, tech abuse. That's a big one. You have to go listen to that. The dark side of technology and relationships, financial abuse that I see holding women back the most. So I go into all this stuff. I even talk about tradwife, about how like people are, like I don't wanna be a tradwife and I'm like, no, not a good idea.

Speaker 1:

And then I talk about, also, from toxic to triumphant, how to know if you're in a healthy relationship. That's a whole episode too. A lot of it's about me and the D, my husband, because you know I'm an amazing man. After my trauma and healing and all that horrible, scary shit you have to go through which plug for book two. But yeah, I talk about that like how I realized what a healthy relationship looks like, because I've never, ever, ever, ever in my life seen one, and just the realization that, oh my gosh, this person loves me Like after what I had been through with not understanding even what love was, was a crazy realization and, man, it feels so good. So definitely check that one out too. If you are not familiar with what a healthy relationship looks like, I do expand on that there.

Speaker 1:

I also have episodes on why narcissists have outbursts on holidays and vacations. That might be a good one to listen to as the holidays come up, because you might blame yourself for his shitty attitude, and I don't want you to do that because, remember, on holidays, vacations, it's because they need the attention and make it all about them. So if you are interested in that one. Go check that one out as well. Ooh, and I got some juicy episodes too, titled Dead Bedroom and it's all about libido and how controlling partners use sex against you and that's a two-part episode. So definitely go listen to that one and the juicy details on that I got a lot of. Obviously I got a lot of listeners on that one, because who doesn't like to talk about sex, right?

Speaker 1:

I also have episodes after that on energy vampires. If you have anyone you're dealing with in your life that is just sucking your soul out of you, draining your energy, you just can't stand them. Check that one out. I did a ritual thing on that energy vampire podcast and I ain't heard about this person after and I thought about this person and it's just, it feels good.

Speaker 1:

And then after that, we started diving into law of attraction stuff, what that means, how to use it in visualization, how to set yourself up for Practicing the law of attraction, which if you don't know what that is, I know it's woo-woo-joo-joo, but it's really just a change in mindset and positivity and changing like the way you think about things and setting intentions and all that. I've done it for several different things and it's always worked for me. Now I'm not a law of attraction guru so I'm not going to sit here and, you know, harp on like the details, but I have several episodes about getting into the mindset so you can practice that. I talk about vision boards, I talk about visuals. I talk about meditation. Oh my gosh, it's life changing and I beat myself up over meditation all the time because I can't stick to a meditation routine. But when I do freaking life changing, I don't know what it is about it, but my best ideas and thoughts and things like that come through meditation.

Speaker 1:

So I did a lot of episodes on things pertaining to law of attraction which, even if you're not practicing the law of attraction, it's going to help you. We went through, like Japanese concepts of wabi-sabi and kintsugi if you're familiar with that stuff and those were a lot of fun, especially like the Scandinavian episodes on the Huga life, especially right now during the season when we turn in and we're trying to get comfortable and cozy. And we did do all the fun things, like you know light all the candles and get warm big snuggies and cuddle up in it. And me again, you know, I know I've mentioned this before on previous episodes, but I do this thing where I put on the central park playlist on Spotify, I light a candle and I cook. I don't know what's going on with that. I expand upon on the southern episode which which episode is that? It wasn't far back? Southern Gothic, yada, yada, yada, soul food yeah, check that one out, because I've been doing that to make myself feel better, which again is called raising your vibration in the law of attraction world. But it's just making yourself feel better, just setting yourself up for success, finding your enough.

Speaker 1:

I also have recent episodes about romanticizing your life, which again goes into the stuff I've been doing. I have one called the bougie as fuck episode, because I have a shopping problem and I have been making my home smell like an expensive luxury hotel. I expand upon that and other things that I've been doing that I don't need to waste my money on, but I have been wasting my money on because they make me feel good and I am not going to feel ashamed about it because I can't. Also have episodes on recognizing intrusive thoughts and limiting beliefs, what that means, like blocking yourself, how to stop doing that, how to live with the seasons, which again is life changing, finding harmony with the seasons and the moon phases for a more empowered life. That's an episode that I did back in the first of October, if you're interested in. Okay, well, how can I play my life out? To slow down, ramp up, reassess, how do I do that and how is it going to make sense, because I don't want to be on 24 seven going full speed. Definitely, check out that episode, because that's what we're talking about now is.

Speaker 1:

This is the season where we turn in, we look within, we do the internal work, which brings me to the episode I did on Halloween called inner demons and hinds drinks the power and mystery of shadow work. That's when you do the really tough work and shadow work is, like you know, recognizing those parts of you you don't want to recognize. But you got to fix those because it's the self growth thing. It's changing the inside to change the outside and see those amazing outside results. And, of course, my last episode was talking about your holiday narrative and how you can rewrite that. You don't have to do the traditional stuff. You don't have to go to your family and get together. You don't have to do this, you don't have to do that. You can make new traditions for yourself and how you go about making those decisions and having those tough conversations with people that you know. You know they're going to get pissed off at you If you say no, I'm not going to the family dinner, or they're going to be disappointed or you're going to feel shamed or something.

Speaker 1:

You can go back to that episode, but I know I just went over those super, super fast. I just wanted to go back through my journey this year of the podcast to kind of set myself up for what we're going to be talking about next, which I'm not quite sure the direction I'm going in and it's always going to be tied around toxic, toxicity and abusive relationships and just sticky situations and obviously you're not stuck. But we have come a long ways Going back through that. We have come a long ways. We've learned all about the different abuses and we've learned all about different ways that we can fix ourselves so we can get away from those abuses. We even learned about the witchy woo-woo stuff which I love. If you don't want to follow that, you don't have to follow that, but at least now you have. If you've listened to the podcast, all the podcast episodes, you have the knowledge of what's happening in toxic relationships and the knowledge of some of the steps you need to do to get out of those toxic relationships. And if you want it all in written format, go buy the book. You're Not Stuck available on all major platforms. So, yes, that's where we're at Long journey this year, but me and I'm excited for next year. I'm excited to close the year out with a bang and I'm going to start planning podcasts for next year and start working on the book for next year. So please stay tuned for that.

Speaker 1:

One more thing I wanted to do as we just went through all that is check in on everyone and give you some insight to morning and evening rituals, which have been helping me a lot. So I hope you've listened to those episodes. I hope you've listened to the gratitude thing. Especially with Thanksgiving coming up right, everyone needs to be grateful for this. Be grateful for that. It works. It works. Go listen to the episode on gratitude visualization. Oh my gosh, I hope whoever's listening to this.

Speaker 1:

If you are stuck in a crappy doodoo marriage and your husband is a douchebag, I hope you're laying in bed at night and you're closing your eyes and he can be like snoring away beside you and you're planning your getaway and you're imagining yourself on this exotic beach and there is a hunky man named Pierre bringing you cocktails and you're just smiling and you feel the sun on you and you feel so free and you truly trick your brain with this fantasy into feeling like that and you're like, oh my gosh, this is the life I'm going to have. But you don't just think it, you believe it or whatever fantasy you have. Maybe that's my fantasy, maybe you're just like I just want to buy my own apartment or my own house in another state and I'm fine with the bare minimum as long as I get out of here and what that looks like. Or you know, I think I used the analogy in one of the podcasts about going to the coffee shop where you want to have your first date. If you want to have a first date, I ain't blaming you.

Speaker 1:

If you want to get rid of men all together or you want to switch teams, you know, whatever you want to do, whatever your future self looks like outside of that crappy, miserable marriage and hey, let's be real here a marriage relationship doesn't have to be abusive to be miserable. You don't have to feel bad for wanting to leave a miserable situation, even if there's not abuse or any, like you, bread flags or anything, if it's just, if it's just dead and you've tried to resurrect it. Maybe you don't want to resurrect it, why should we feel shame about? Well, I didn't try this. That neither you do you. You make you happy. You have this one life. Figure out what that looks like for you If you have kids. It's probably gonna be a lot tougher, but figure out what that looks like for you and grab life by the balls. Y'all.

Speaker 1:

It is short, it goes by fast. Make yourself happy. Do those visualizations. I know that sounds like so horrible. You know you're laying beside your husband and you're thinking, oh Pierre, bring me this cocktail, he's so hot. And what are we gonna do later after dinner? Yeah, you have to do that stuff when you're on the.

Speaker 1:

I was gonna say on the floor because I always use that analogy, because I have told you all this plenty of times. When I was in the darkest moments of my life, I laid on my closet floor for forever, crying almost every night. That's the only place I could be alone. So I'd shut myself in my closet and you know it feels like you're in the deep pits of hell, and when you're in the deep pits of hell, there is like no shame in doing what you got to do to get out of that. So if that means fantasizing about Pierre because look, when you're doing that, what's ever in your head? No one knows what's in your head. Your douchey partner next to you, who is toxic and controlling and thinks you're his property, has no idea about those wonderful things playing in your head because you don't don't tell anybody about them.

Speaker 1:

Obviously, that's for you, this is for you, this is the thing that you were doing for you and you're believing you can get it and you're visualizing it and you're really turning your emotions into that. I can have that. What am I doing? Why am I laying here listening to this mofo snoring, have to put up with his dumb ass, when I can be on a beach and having cocktails with Pierre or you know what, whatever you want and I know it's like, but I got kids, but it's just that It'll all work out I promise you you might not be laying on a beach with Pierre in the next, you know, several months, year, two, three, four years, but you can take the steps you need to take to get to that dream. You might not get it tomorrow, but you will get it eventually. That or something better. There's plenty of things on the horizon for you that you might not know about and your brain can't even think about right now. It's just taking that first step. Wow, why did I go off on that tangent?

Speaker 1:

All right, let's talk about morning and evening rituals to wrap up this little recap of where we've been and where we're going. Romanticizing your life and doing all this woo-woo juju or not are just, you know, playing stuff like gratitude and meditation to make yourself feel better so you can reach those goals. So let me tell you real quick what I'm doing. In the morning. I have been getting up early. That's a game changer. So I get up usually around 4.30 or5, and I've been doing this workout by Carolyn Gervin I think that's her last name. It's on YouTube, it's free, it's called her iron series and it's a six week series. Most of her workouts are 30 minutes, so no excuses not to do those.

Speaker 1:

And y'all remember I talked about like gaining 10 pounds this year. Actually, I gained it last year. I've been back and forth on getting it off, but this is working for me, obviously with a change in my diet. I have PCOS so I have a hard time losing weight. I'm taking it's like a powder called anacetol, something I don't know it's for people with PCS. It helps regulate our metabolism because if you have PCS you have a slower metabolism. You can be like insulin resistant, yada, yada yada. So I have been taking that, counting my calories Ooh, you know that's boring Eating more protein and doing this workout at 5 in the morning.

Speaker 1:

Then I go back to the old school stuff. You know I write my gratitude journal. I look at my calendar. I try to organize my day like a week in advance so I'll check up on all that. But I write my weight down daily so I can watch. You know, fluctuate things like that, because this is important to me in my life. Right now I'm about to turn 40 and I wanna get these stupid 10 pounds off and I have it's working. It's working.

Speaker 1:

Also, I cut out a lot of alcohol. That's not fun y'all, but I feel so much better. I'm trying to only have a little bit of wine on the weekend. I'm trying that's the keyword here. But man, just cutting out like having a glass or two or three of wine during the week has been game-changing. The weight's falling off and I just feel better. I feel more focused and I know everyone's like giving up alcohol feels great and I know I get it, you know, especially like you know if you have problems with it, for sure, look into that.

Speaker 1:

But I think just moderation for me has been fine, because I love having a glass of wine in the hot tub, at the fire pit or, you know, just out. With dinner we're going, we're celebrating our four-year dating anniversary this weekend. It's been four years since we swiped on Tinder. We're going to Capitol Grill and I cannot wait to have a cab with steak. I ain't given that up totally. So I mean maybe one day if I feel the need to, but I don't feel the need to. So my morning is obviously I cannot get up and work out at 5 AM. Good heavens In the morning if I'm hungover. So again, that's another motivation for me to not drink at all during the week and it's been great. So I do that as part of my morning routine.

Speaker 1:

I have been trying to incorporate meditation more. I know y'all know how I feel about that. I love it, but I just can never find time to do it, which is a huge problem, especially with my work schedule these days, but off and on I have been doing that, not in the morning, but just when I can find the time. I do try to make that time for myself and, again, like that's pretty much a basic morning routine for me, because I do hop into work and maybe I shouldn't be doing that like hopping into work as fast. Maybe I should make time for the meditation in my morning routine, probably. But this is just what's working for me Right now. I am going a little bit slower than normal because I used to just for a long time Get up and hop into work right away and not give this time to myself. I'm giving this time back to myself and I highly recommend it.

Speaker 1:

Come up with a morning routine, a morning ritual, whatever it is you need to do. If you're into the woo-woo, juju stuff, the witchy stuff, you can stern to your coffee, start clockwise and, you know, say your intentions for the day. I might do that sometimes too. I like candles, I like a lot of candles, and I have this candle warmer thing I bought that is just like a lamp, so it just warms the candle and you don't have to worry about the flame. But that's all part of my morning routines. Oh, also washing my face for 60 seconds, and then I have a whole bunch of beauty products I use which leads me into my evening routine. So sometimes my nights vary. But, like cuz, on Sunday I like to do the summoning myself and I do a big Bath with you know bath bombs, or I make those little sachets, or whatever they're called, with the herbs and stuff, and like candles, I have a towel, face towel, steamer thing. I use that. I use a face mask.

Speaker 1:

So Sunday's a little bit more elaborate, but most evenings I just start my my wind down routines with a lot of automation. So I have bought tons of smart plugs for around my house and you know the up lighting and I talked about that, I think, in the bougie is fuck episode. I've got my house, you know, lit, lit up in all different dark corners. It's cozy in here right now because I have also all my trees up and my holiday lights and things like that and they're all set to timers and they all turn on at five o'clock when it starts getting dark and that to me signals from my brain hey, bitch, stop working, turn in, it's time to start winding down so all the cozy lights come on in my house. I also, again, like I said, I do the candles, but a lot of times at night I do simmer pots.

Speaker 1:

If you don't know what a simmer pot is, it's basically just boiling water and smell good stuff in your on your stove. And you can also make this witchy again because you can put like ingredients in there that you know bring wealth, or Ingredients in there that get rid of the dark doo doo energy. But my favorite one I've been using is I put cranberries in my little pot and have the cutest glass Like see-through pot that I put on the stove so you can see the Stuff in there and it turns this really pretty burgundy color. But I put some handful of cranberries, I put like a cinnamon stick, slices of orange, couple of Small handful of whole cloves and, if I have it, a star anise. I usually don't have that, though. Also you can kind of burn the ends of the Cinnamon to give it more of a deeper aroma, and that's just one example of a simmer pot, and that makes my whole house smell like Holiday time. It's just such a cozy Smell, it smells amazing. Also, I have that thing I bought with the aroma sense that's going off.

Speaker 1:

I have a problem with smell job. I love smell good stuff and I love my house to smell Good. So I do the simmer pots at night as well, and you can. You can have those. They last like three to four days. You can just keep refilling it with water and then throw it out and do a fresh one. So it's economical too. I do, you know, the dinner thing.

Speaker 1:

Sometimes I cook because I like to do the whole, turn the music on, and I bought a fancy cutting board and knife and I've liked to use that. But most of time I'm so tired after work that I have something in the crock pot or, you know, I have something Frozen that I'll just pop in the oven. So the whole like that stuff's not a big deal to me. But after I do, like my simmer pot, I've got my lights on. I have a shower seat I recently bought and because I'm usually low on time and just too drained to do the whole path and all that, I Just sit in a steamy-ass hot shower. I've got this mist it's a eucalyptus shower mist, I think. I spray that directly into the water and I just take a few moments to Just zone out for a little bit and breathe and then I do my skincare routine and my skincare routine has been very elaborate lately. Again, I wash my face for a full.

Speaker 1:

Did I say 60 minutes in the morning? If I did, I don't know. Y'all don't judge me. It's very early on a Saturday. Why am I not sleeping in? Because this new routine is a maze boss. But 60 seconds, wash my face for 60 seconds, put all those Different chemicals on my face because I'm turning 40 and I'm fighting aging. But it's worked, y'all.

Speaker 1:

My skin's looking great and I make it a point to be in bed by 9 o'clock and I read and I usually fall asleep at like 9 30 and then I get, you know, I get up and I do it again. I get up early and I do my workout, but I feel great and it's just those minor things, not like I got an elaborate, you know, evening ritual or morning ritual, it's just basic bitch things that are making me feel good right now. And you know, sometimes I will add stuff like I'll, you know, add the face steamer. I love my face steamer. I'll add the face steamer in there if I'm feeling like you know I want to do that, or I'll hop in the hot tub.

Speaker 1:

It's basically just Stopping everything at five o'clock or six o'clock, whatever time works for you, turning in, getting comfy cozy, putting on those comfy cozy pajamas, getting in that snuggie and just spending the rest of the night relaxing. Sometimes we'll go upstairs and I'll watch Episodes of something funny or light-hearted with my husband, or I'll watch my daughter play her game. She loves it. When I go in there and watch her play her video games, I'll do that too and, you know, spend time with them as well. But it's creating that time for me, those moments in the shower, those moments zoning out and washing my face and actually making the time for me to make myself feel better and Putting on those stupid lights y'all. It's game-changing putting on cozy lights in your house, setting them to a timer so you can just forget it. I've got smart plugs from Amazon that were like 20 bucks for four of them. It's game-changing. Little things like that are like. It's an amazing addition to your life.

Speaker 1:

So those are my current morning and evening rituals, which ties in to the Romanticizing your life making you yourself feel better so you can Build yourself up for what's to come. That's all I got today. I'm about to get up and get dressed and get ready. I'm gonna do my workout again on a Saturday. It's supposed to be a rest day, but I skipped one last week, so I'm gonna try to catch up there. And then we're gonna go get Starbucks and go shopping for holiday decorations Not that I need any, it looks like Santa threw up in my house but it's what I Like to do and it raises my vibrations and it makes me feel good. So I'm going to home goods, I'm going to TJ max and tonight I'm going to Capitol Grill and I'm drinking that cab and I'm eating that steak and I'm living my best damn life.

Speaker 1:

Because you can't wait on that shit. Like, don't say, oh well, I'm gonna do that when I lose some pounds, or oh, I'm gonna do that when you know I get an extra paycheck. Make the time now. You don't, you're not guaranteed tomorrow. Like, be happy now and only you can make that decision on Taking the action to actually save yourself, because no one's gonna save you. You have to. You have to do the hard shit yourself, stay safe and I'll see you next week.

Speaker 1:

Thank you so much for listening. If you love the show, please leave a rating, a review, and if you know anyone who also might love the show or who could benefit from this information, please be sure to share it and subscribe. The more we get this out to people, the more people we can help, and I truly believe there's so many women who need to hear these Words, because so many women are filling stock. Also, if you're looking for me, you can usually find me on the ground, at author cat Adams, and be sure to head over to my website, and that's cat Adams. Adams with a double D's comm. Subscribe to my newsletter for the latest information. Also, when you subscribe, you're gonna get free novella. And Just be forewarned my or on to rom-com is as dirty as my mouth. So if that's your thing, go for it. It's super hilarious. But thank you again for tuning in. Until next time, please stay safe and I'll see you on the other side. You.

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